Food For Immunity: What Should You Eat To Strengthen Your Body?
You are what you eat’ is an old adage, and we all know what it means: that a healthy and balanced diet is fundamental for improving immunity.1 Along with stress2 and sleep3, nutrition is a key factor linked with your body’s immune response. It’s the primary source of vitamins and minerals essential for the proper function of the immune system.4
Read on to find out what is the best immunity boosting food that you should incorporate into your diet.
Fruits and vegetables
There are many benefits to making fruits and vegetables a significant part of your diet. Both are good sources of antioxidants5 and help reduce oxidative stress.6 Fruits and vegetables are also excellent sources of vitamins and minerals essential for a strong immune system.7 For example, vitamin C, well recognized for its role in the human immune system,8 can be found in citrus fruits, kiwis, peppers, broccoli, and spinach.9
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds can be a great snack and a healthy habit and are thought to be an excellent food for immunity. Both can add significant amounts of essential nutrients to your healthy diet.10 For example, almonds are rich in vitamin E11 and Vitamin B 12 and have prebiotic properties that help improve our digestive health by increasing levels of beneficial gut bacteria. Walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties thanks to alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids content as it is the only kind of nuts that are good sources of omega-3 fatty acid.13 14 Studies link the consumption of sunflower seeds to a number of health benefits, including lowering your risk of developing diseases like high blood pressure or heart disease.15
Meat and seafood
Including meat and fish in your diet can give your immune system a boost. Meat provides you with different vitamins, minerals and trace elements.16 All of these are important nutrients that play prominent roles in supporting healthy immune function.17

Bread and cereals
The germ is the core of the seed where growth occurs; it is rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, B vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants.18 They represent excellent immunity boosting food and provide your body with fibre, a nutrient that plays a role in modulating immune system functions.19 If you are overweight, fibre can also help lower your BMI,20 a factor linked with improved immunity.21
Vitamin supplements
If you’re not sure if your diet provides you with all the necessary nutrients for a strong immune system, consider supplementing.22 Taking a supplement like Redoxon can help to strengthen your immunity and support it.23
1. (Song et al, 2019; Patel et al 2012 and Gombart et al 2020).
2. Barnard ND, Goldman DM, Loomis JF, et al. Plant-based diets for cardiovascular safety and performance in endurance sports. Nutrients. 2019;11(1). pii: E130.
3. S. Chambial et al., ‘Vitamin C in disease prevention and cure: an overview’, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, vol. 28, no. 4, 2013, p. 314-328.
4. D. Konig et al., ‘Zinc, iron and magnesium status in athletes – influence on the regulation of exercise induced stress and immune function’, Exercise Immunol Review, vol. 4, 1998, p. 2-21.
5. Maggini S. et al. Immune Function and Micronutrient Requirements Change over the Life Course. Nutrients. 2018 Oct 17;10(10). pii: E1531. doi: 10.3390/nu10101531.
6. U.S Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements: B12
7. Haddad EH, Berk LS, Kettering JD, Hubbard RW, Peters WR. Dietary intake and biochemical, hematologic, and immune status of vegans compared with nonvegetarians. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70(3 Suppl):586S-593S.
8. Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working I Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients 2020;12.
How Redoxon®
helps support your
immune system
Your body is equipped with powerful natural defences and your immune system has many ways of dealing with threats from bacteria and viruses.24 The Immune system is made up of three main defense mechanisms; Physical barriers (skin and mucosa), cellular barriers (white blood cells) and antibodies.25 Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are essential to the health and function of this complex network.26
In our fast-paced world of fast food and pre-cooked meals, it may be challenging to consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables delivering all the vitamins and minerals we need to fully support our body functions. An inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals can negatively affect the immune system and overall health.27 That’s where Redoxon® comes in. Our Vitamin C product is designed to help support your immune system.28
Redoxon® for a healthier immune system
You need to look after your immune system. Even though it may not feel like it, your immune system works 24 hours a day.29 Just as a plant needs water and sunlight, your immune system needs regular nourishment to support the body’s defence systems.30
Together with a healthy lifestyle including physical exercise and good nutrition, supplements like Redoxon® provide the foundation for a strong immune system all year round.31
In 1934, we pioneered the world’s first Vitamin C supplement, and we’ve been helping people keep their natural defenses in top shape. Today our own Vitamin C supplement helps to support your immunity every day.18 19
Build your immunity
Looking for ways to strengthen your immune system? Check out helpful articles on immune support.
1 https://www.
4 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih
8 Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and Infections PDF
17 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih
21 https://www.ncbi.nlm
23 Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and Infections PDF
24 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
28 Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and Infections PDF
29 https://www.
30 https://www.ncbi.nlm.
31 Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and Infections PDF
32 Redoxon Product Information Leaflet
33 Vitamins C, D and Zinc: Synergistic Roles in Immune Function and Infections PDF